Relationship? What does it means? Is it a boyfriend girlfriend thingy? or perhaps a lifetime commitment? Based on my point of view, relationship is term where people used in order to avoid any disturbances from others. Meaning, when you are in a relationship, people don't really into making any move to flirt or even asking you out for a date. In relationship means you are belong to someone else and have commitment on it. Does being in a relationship means you a some sort of belongings? Nahhhhh, forget about that. A secondary school girl can answer my statement. You as my intelligent and smart readers know it well.
Facebook is one of social networking medium which helps people to tell the whole world whether you are single, in a relationship or OPEN RELATIONSHIP. What? What is Open Relationship? Is it a kind of relationship which open to everyone? Yeah, I might consider it as that. In my opinion, there is no such a thing called open relationship. If you want to be in one, just be. Open relationship doesn't bring any good rather than harm to yourself. Why do we need to put up statuses that you are in open relationship with some DOUCHEBAG and proudly to tell the whole world. Does it bring any good to yourself? Does it show that you are good than everybody else? Think about this people.
Next, we have TWITTER. I love to tweet. Twitter is a good medium after Facebook which help people to express their mood anytime and anywhere. One thing about Twitter and relationship is people often updates their current activities every minutes. The best is you can read someone tweets starting he/she madly falling in love with someone, in a relationship to the boiling point of a relationship until it burst into flame. You can learn everything about relationship here in twitter. Love tweeting doesn't means you don't care about your privacy, it helps you like a friend will do, listen to you without being judged.
Here come the finale and interesting part of all, Online Relationship. Again i want to ask my awesome readers, What is Online Relationship? Some says Online Relationship is meant for losers who don't have normal social life. Is it true? Nahhhhh. One word, NONSENSE. Online Relationship is something we have to take noticed. It is like a trend for everyone nowadays. Making friends are fantastic. Building networking is awesome. Creating a love story with online relationship is just a fairy tale. I have my own personal experience. At the end of the day you will get nothing. Only pains and fantasies will become your new love instead of going out find the real one. Only the lucky ones will reach to the top mountain of love through online relationship. Are you my readers are the lucky ones? Tell me everything about it if you are one of them. For me, It doesn't really happens in my world. This is all about relationship.
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